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​Relaxation Therapy Group Coaching Cohort​​​


A Contemplative Foundation


Starting in October

Fridays, 10:00 AM


Vineyard Christian Church

1055 McNaughten Rd.
Columbus, Ohio 43213


Practical groundwork for a contemplative life

A Contemplative Foundation is a “course” designed to give you exposure to, practice with and opportunities for reflection around some of the basic tools that support a deep spiritual life.

Each week, you’ll watch a short video from the Order of the Common Life’s director, Jared Boyd. You'll be invited to engage with a contemplative practice during the week and reflect on your experiences.


Click here to watch an informational video about the course.


In The Stillness


Spirit-centered Stress Management


Starting January 3

Fridays, 10:00 AM


Vineyard Christian Church

1055 McNaughten Rd.
Columbus, Ohio 43213


​In the Stillness is a comprehensive introduction to stress management honoring the integration, balance, and harmony of mind, body, spirit, and emotions. We will discover the nature, sociology, and physiology of stress. We will explore the connection between stress and disease and the emotions commonly associated with stress.


In the Stillness is a 10-week group coaching cohort with a weekly meeting that will include a teaching, group discussion, Q&A, and guided stress management practices. Each week participants will also be sent a link to an optional 40-minute video that will include teaching on that week's topic, offer suggested coping strategies, and introduce that week's 2-minute guided relaxation practice.


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